The Vergas Community Club

is a partnership between businesses and citizens dedicated to create

the best community to visit, work and do business.

This is a recently created mission statement for the club to use and guide decisions made, but the same premise of this statement dates back to 1934. It was at that time a group of forward thinking Vergas businessmen saw the need to organize and form a relationship with the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC). The CCC was commissioned to find ways to conserve and preserve the area lakes and land, to make it a desirable place for people to live and visit. This group called themselves the Vergas Improvement Club. From that, the group changed their name to the Vergas Commercial Club, and then it changed again to the present name of Vergas Community Club, recognizing that both businessmen and citizens had a passion to make Vergas the best place to visit, play, and work. Looney Days, our signature event of the summer, began in the early 1970’s, as a street sale, for businesses to clean out their summer merchandise.  It has evolved into a packed 3 day family fun event. Today, the Vergas Community Club meets monthly and holds events throughout the year, with the main focus being to bring people to our unique Village to visit, shop, play and do business.